Thursday, February 17, 2011

Appetite for Adventure

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of traveling to Interlaken, Switzerland!  It was a weekend full of “firsts.”  My first time paragliding (below is a picture of me taking off), first time attending a chocolate tasting, first time dining at Hooters (they have one in Interlaken, who knew?), and most notably my first time skiing in the Alps. 

Skiing in the Swiss Alps was a dream come true.  I only skied one day, but it was by far my favorite part of the trip.  The conditions were perfect – blue skies, spring temperatures, and minimal ice.  Run after run, I was dazzled by the beauty of my surroundings.  It almost didn’t feel real.  Since I’ve done so much skiing in Colorado, people keep asking me how the Alps compare to the American West in terms of skiing.  To be honest, I can’t really give a good answer since I only skied one day in the Alps.  But that one day was truly great! 

Despite the fact that my friends and I went to Hooters not just once but twice, I made the effort to experience some traditional Swiss cuisine as well.  The dish I ordered has a name, but it is in German and involves roughly fourteen syllables so I’ll spare you the trouble and just describe it instead.  Picture a sizzling plate of small dumplings covered in a Swiss cheese sauce and topped with broccoli, accompanied by warm and crusty garlic bread.  Might sound like a random combination of tastes, but it was to die for, especially after a long day of skiing. 

All in all, my trip to Interlaken was a success.  It satisfied not only my appetite for food, but for adventure as well!  

1 comment:

  1. This all sounds fantastic, Aubrey! We just covered chapter 12 in class, which has to do with skiing, and we talked about the Alps! Hope you're having a great time. :)
    -Prof.ssa Falcone
